Newton County Schools is a diverse Title I school district just outside of Atlanta, Georgia serving a high At-Risk student population with 69% of students from low-income families. Students historically have struggled in Mathematics and on the Georgia State Tests.
The Secondary Education Department led by its Director, Dr. Nikkita Warfield, aimed to accelerate learning outcomes and boost Math proficiency rates for Middle and High School students across the district while placing students on a College and Career Ready path.
FEV Tutor worked with Instructional Leaders at two school sites to run a pilot program during the 2018-19 Academic Year. The district saw improvements in academic progress for FEV Tutor participants and expanded to support 2,000 students across 10 school sites the following Academic Year. Tutoring was delivered on-site during the school day and in after-school settings.
Newton County Schools shared students' benchmark and state test data so that the FEV Tutor data team could analyze and identify students that would benefit most from Live 1:1 tutoring while developing Personalized Tutoring Plans for individual students.
Spring 2018 to Spring 2019: Milestone EOG Growth
FEV Tutor participants who engaged in the recommended dosage of 10+ tutoring lessons improved by an average of 12% on Math EOGs compared to 4.1% for Non-Participants.
FEV Tutor's Academic and Data Teams collaborated with individual school sites, like Veterans Memorial Middle School below, on a Spring 2018 to 2019 Georgia Milestone State Test Growth Analysis. Results show a direct correlation between participation in FEV Tutor and elevated EOG/EOC performance relative to non-Participants. Veterans Memorial Middle School, specifically, grew its school rating CCRPI score by 6.6% more than doubling its goal citing FEV Tutor as the only major difference made in academic programming.
Spring 2018 to Spring 2019: Milestone EOG Growth
College and Career Readiness Performance Index (CCRPI)