The Importance of Student-Tutor Relationships and How To Build a Strong Student-Tutor Relationship Over Time


Positive student-tutor relationships are the key to successful tutoring sessions. In fact, the National Student Support Accelerator lists sustained and strong relationships between students and their tutors as one of the core characteristics of high-impact tutoring programs

In this statement by the NSSA, there are two key points to consider: “strong” and “sustained.”

The importance of a strong tutor-student relationship

What impact does a strong tutor-student relationship have? These are some of the gains you can expect when these connections are built on a solid foundation.

1. Improved learning experiences

Tutoring sessions that are low-stress, high-trust environments lead to an authentic enjoyment of learning. 

Research shows that students who feel their instructor cares about them are more likely to learn and engage. When students trust their tutor, they're more willing to take risks. They’ll ask questions and tackle challenging concepts, leading to more enjoyable experiences and higher learning gains overall.

2. Fewer behavioral problems

Positive tutor-student relationships change student behavior for the better. In fact, studies have shown that sustained, positive relationships between students and their teachers or tutors have resulted in greater social skills and fewer behavior problems over time. 

Not only does this mean that students will get more out of each tutoring session, but also that they will be more motivated to learn and be less likely to resist help and authority outside of tutoring. 

3. Improved information retention and recall

Have you noticed that some students have trouble putting information to use after a tutoring session? A solid tutor-student relationship can help combat this. When students feel connected to their tutor, they're more likely to engage in tutoring sessions.

This engagement isn't just about keeping students present. It translates to better information retention and recall. When they actively engage with the material, they are more likely to be able to recall and apply the lessons moving forward. Think of it as the difference between memorizing facts for a test and understanding a concept.

The importance of a sustained tutor-student relationship

What impact does a sustained tutor-student relationship have? Let's explore why the consistent pairing of tutors and students is critical. 

1. Personalized learning experiences

Every student has unique needs and strengths. A consistent tutor-student relationship powers truly personalized learning. The better a tutor gets to know a student, the more insight they will have into what teaching methods will be effective for them. They'll also learn to pick up on subtle cues that show confusion or breakthrough moments. This level of understanding only comes with multiple interactions.

How does this work in practice? A tutor who knows their student can tailor lessons to match learning styles. They can also adjust pacing based on comprehension and zero in on trouble areas.

2. Increased trust and comfort level

Most tutors feel comfortable during lessons. Many students do not. In particular, students who need skill remediation may find learning environments high-stress and unsafe by default. To achieve the desired learning outcomes, students need to feel comfortable and safe being vulnerable in the tutoring sessions. And this vulnerability requires trust. 

Building trust takes time and intentional effort. It can only be realized through a sustained student-tutor relationship.

3. Meaningful progress over time

Progress in education isn't always linear. It's full of hiccups and leaps forward. When a student-tutor relationship is consistent, it’s easier to pick up on the progress. Tutors can spot patterns and celebrate small victories. They can also address recurring challenges.

This has never been more important, as research shows that high-dosage tutoring can generate remarkably large gains in student learning, large enough to overcome pandemic learning loss for most students with just a year or two of intervention.

4. Emotional support and motivation

Learning can be an emotional rollercoaster, especially for students who have fallen behind and struggle with the coursework. Some days, those students will feel on top of the world. On other days, they might feel like throwing in the towel. A consistent tutor becomes more than just an instructor. They can be a much-needed source of encouragement.

This emotional support can be the difference between a student who gives up and a student who pushes through challenging times. The tutor can consistently plant the seeds the students need to grow and thrive.

The pitfalls of random tutor assignments

What happens when tutors and students don’t have the opportunity to build sustained relationships? These are some of the challenges that come with random assignments and sessions. 

1. Starting from scratch

When students and tutors have to start from scratch each session, valuable time and progress are lost. Time that would be better spent on mastering coursework is instead wasted on introductions and confirming details about the lesson and the student. Additionally, students will struggle with having to re-explain their struggle areas and preferred learning and communication styles.

2. Lack of personalization

Every student is different. To get the most out of each session, tutors must adjust their teaching and communication methods to match how each student learns best. That becomes impossible when the tutor has no relationship with the student. 

3. Inconsistent teaching styles

Imagine: One tutor uses a lot of analogies. Another relies on visuals. A third prefers to work through examples. Constantly switching between these styles can be counterproductive. Especially when a particular learning style doesn’t work well or connect with the student.

How to build a strong tutor-student relationship in online tutoring 

Strong student-tutor relationships are just as critical in online tutoring as they are in in-person tutoring. And they are just as possible. With the right approach, virtual connections can be just as powerful as in-person ones.

1. Overcoming digital barriers

The digital aspect doesn't have to be a barrier. In fact, it can help students and teachers connect by enabling a variety of learning and communication styles that match how young students are comfortable communicating in this digital age.

FEV Tutor's virtual classroom mimics real-world settings through a two-way whiteboard with clickable tools and manipulatives, including a pencil, highlighter, pointer, text tool, file upload, screen share, conference, undo, redo, smiley icon, and more.

2. Effective communication

Communication can make all the difference in tutoring. FEV Tutor uses regular check-ins and progress updates to keep students and tutors on the same page.

Seamless communication also helps build rapport. FEV Tutor's modern platform powers easy two-way communication that makes student-tutor interactions seamless, including text, audio, verbal, and drawing. 

3. Consistent student-tutor relationships

FEV Tutor has an intentional strategy and supporting systems to build strong, positive relationships between students and tutors.

To ensure a strong student-tutor relationship, our tutors are highly qualified, thoroughly trained, and continually supported. 

To ensure students receive consistent tutoring from the same tutor, we use an advanced algorithm to pair students with their preferred tutor.

Want to improve student and tutor relationships?

Do you want to supercharge your students' learning? Online tutoring is a useful tool, but to maximize results, you need to build strong student-tutor relationships. Consistent virtual tutoring engagements support academic growth and success. 

Without those strong student-tutor relationships, even the most impressive educational strategies can crumble.